My cat Seth was from an abandoned litter and in poor health and he was barely three weeks old when I brought him home. Booker, my brother's Rottweiler, was around a year old at the time. Shortly after we introduced them, we noticed a special bond developing. Booker was infatuated with the new addition and she groomed him constantly, followed him everywhere and she was extremely protective.
As time passed both Booker and Seth had gained substantial weight... as it turns out for completely different reasons. Seth managed to supplement his calorie intake, hence the substantial weight gain and Booker wasn't exactly "fattening up for the winter." She had in fact been producing milk and providing late night feeding sessions for the industrious little fur ball!
Booker has since weaned and distanced herself from Seth, so he can be more independent. But if we say, "Booker where's your Baby?" she'll jump up and search for Seth. They still share special moments together, but usually when no one is looking, like it's a big secret.
By Kevin Breckenridge for Cats and Kittens Magazine
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